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How To Order

Ordering your painting is easy, but there are some options you will need to choose such as the medium and the size of the painting.


1. Medium, Size, Pricing

There are two kinds of mediums to choose from, graphite drawing or oil painting. There is no right or wrong. They are simply different.


Graphite drawing is done on paper and generally much cheaper and quicker than oil painting. You can choose this medium if you want to get the drawing quickly (for a birthday present / wedding, etc), have a limited budget or simply prefer to have your portrait done in black and white.

031 Katya 02.jpg
028 Yaroslava.jpg
029 Veronika.jpg

Oil painting is done on a wooden canvas panel, more expensive, and takes longer to finish than graphite drawing. I use the multi layering technique. 1 painting can consist of 5-7 layers and I need to wait for each layer to dry. This is the best technique to achieve photo-realism. And because of its natural behaviour (dries slowly), oil painting can take up to 1 month or even 2 months for a complex painting (several heads in 1 painting) to complete. You can choose oil painting if you prefer your portrait done in full colour, and don't mind the long wait.

033 Eva Kim.jpg
034 Yaroslava.jpg
022 Evelina 01.jpg

Feel free to contact me if you want different sizes for your portraits.


A4 21x29.7 cm

1 subject 80 USD

A3 29.7x42 cm

A2 42x59.4 cm

1 subject 180 USD
2 subjects 220 USD
3 subjects from 235 USD


30x40 cm

35x45 cm

40x55 cm

1 subject 600 USD

1 subject 790 USD
2 subjects 950 USD

1 subject 1100 USD
2 subjects 1320 USD
3 subjects from 1430 USD

1 subject 120 USD
2 subjects 145 USD

​2. Photo Reference

In order to produce detailed and high quality portraits, I will need a high quality reference photo. If you're not sure which photos are the best, feel free to send me some, and we will discuss and choose the photo together. Unfortunately, I may turn down commissions if you have no good quality photo, because if the photo is bad, then it will affect the painting. You deserve to get a high quality piece of artwork when ordering from me, so it's better to wait for the next opportunity until you have better quality photos.


Low quality photo reference:

  • Photo taken with low light / at night

  • Low resolution photo (less than 2000 x 2000 pixels)

  • Blurry when zooming in

  • Bad pose, bad expression

  • Heavily cropped photos


High quality photo reference:

  • Photo taken in a photo studio / daylight

  • High resolution photo (more than 2000 x 2000 pixels)

  • Good details when zooming in

  • Good pose, smiling, looking at the camera

  • Head and shoulder format with the head fully visible.


Other considerations:

  • I don't usually paint from selfie photos, because they have less flattering angle. For this you will need to have a photo taken in a photo studio, or have somebody take a photo of you.

  • Please mind the cropping. I won't be able to paint from heavily cropped photos (super close up photo). On the other hand, even though the photo is high resolution, if you stand too far from the camera and you're too small, then I might not be able to paint the details and the photo is useless. So a head and shoulder photo is generally the better option.


3. Varnishing

There are two kinds of varnish, retouch varnish and final varnish. Which varnish you choose is totally optional and there is no additional charge, however, the final varnish takes longer time as the painting needs to cure first before varnishing to avoid cracking. Retouch varnish can be applied after the painting is dry to the touch, generally within 2 weeks after completion. Final varnish can be applied 6 months after the painting is dry. Final varnish looks and protects your painting better than retouch varnish.

If you choose the retouch varnish, the painting still needs to get a final varnish for its maximum protection. You can bring the painting to your local experienced artist to get it done. Just remember to wait at least 6 months after completion (check out the date in the instruction manual that comes with the painting).

Varnish protects your oil painting from dust and dirt. It extends the life of your oil painting and the painting looks much better with the varnish, as it removes dull spots and uneven glossiness. Varnish can be removed along with the dust and dirt that accumulates over the years, this process is best handled by professionals.

4. Deadline

If you want to get your portraits done for special occasions, please put your order at least:

Pencil Drawing : 2 months before the deadline

Oil Painting with a retouch varnish : 3 months before the deadline

Oil Painting with a final varnish : 7 months before the deadline

Please note that if your painting is overly complicated or bigger than usual, I might take longer to finish. On the other hand, if the painting is simple, I might be able to finish quicker. It's best to discuss the deadline with me directly as I need to evaluate the photo reference first.

5. Placing Your Orders

Before you place your orders, please carefully read the Terms & Conditions (click here). Once you choose the medium, the size, and preferably the reference photo, you can contact me via the form on the contact page (click here).


We will discuss the artwork details such as the colour theme of your portraits. A 50% deposit of the commission fee (shipping cost excluded) is required before I start working on your portrait. I will do a quick sketch on my computer so that you can visualize the finished painting. Please do let me know if you have a deadline so I can complete it by this date.


6. Finishing and Shipping

Once the painting is almost completed, I will send you a photo. At this stage, I can only tweak minor adjustments. When you're happy with the painting, you will need to complete the remaining 50% of the commission fee plus the shipping cost. Shipping costs depend on where you live. Please let me know your location so I can advise you on the shipping costs. The painting will then be wrapped and sent to you. You will also get a certificate of authentication, and an instruction manual of how to take care of your artwork.

For more info, go to the Frequently Asked Questions page (click here).

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